About Us

Hi, I'm John Marsh

Me Kayaking Opeongo

A bit about me

At 33 years old, I've already had the opportunity to experience a lot of life. Having lived and worked accross Ontario and into Alberta in a wide assortment of jobs, from construction to axe throwing, I've made a hobby of picking up new hobbies and skills. That path has brought me back to my hometown of Kitchener, Ontario where I live with my fiancée Alyssa and our 5 year old rescue dog Nyla, and take my Sheridan courses online to avoid the commute.

My Academic Background

I am a graduate of the Sheridan General Arts And Science course after which I attended 2 years at York University in the Psychology program before life forced me to take a break and reassess.

My Professional Background

I've had as many jobs as I've had places to live, starting as a rock climbing and highropes course instructor, to go on to working construction as a general labourer in sheet metal work at the Bow Tower and Chinook Mall in Calgary. Most recently I was working as an Axe throwing instructor with Bad Axe Throwing and an Inventory task specialist with MEC.

So Why the Computer Programming Course?

Since I was a Kindergartener, I've always been enthralled by taking things apart in order to understand how they work. for years growing up, I wanted to get into electonics and robotics, but the finances of a child weren't enough to gather the hardware and software necessary to bridge the gap from learning in theory to the practical application of the programming neccessary to continue. And so, that dead end became a diverging branch towards new interests. This course is my chance to reconnect with that passion and overcome an old challenge while allowing me to leverage everything I've learned along the way in new and exciting ways.

And Why Web Development?

While my early interests skewed more to the robotic, the world has changed to become increasingly digital. Web development has become an integral skillset neccessary for building in that digital frontier. From websites to apps, this course is a great foundation in the skills and knowledge required for the development of those new digital interfaces.

Weekly Sheridan Schedule

Time Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
8:00am   PROG 8-9   MATH 8-9  
9:00am     MATH 9-11   MATH 9-11
10:00am     MATH 9-11   MATH 9-11
11:00am   PROG 11-2      
12:00pm   PROG 11-2      
1:00pm   PROG 11-2   PROG 1-4  
2:00pm       PROG 1-4  
3:00pm       PROG 1-4  
4:00pm COMM 4-7        
5:00pm COMM 4-7 TELE 5-8   SYST 5-8  
6:00pm COMM 4-7 TELE 5-8   SYST 5-8  
7:00pm   TELE 5-8   SYST 5-8  